Wednesday, January 1, 2014

1 For Me, Resolutions, and a Return...(I hope)

Happy New Year friends!!!  I can't believe that it is 2014- I swear every year goes faster.  This year has flown by the fastest yet!!!  As I sit here reading all the posts written by my blogging buddies I am in awe of all the wonderful things everyone is up to in their classrooms and with their families.  A part of me is feeling a bit lost-it seems I haven't quite accomplished all that I thought I could this year.  I admit I was feeling a bit down in the dumps about it.  However, a post by one of my favorite bloggers lifted me up and made me remember we aren't alone and that we all struggle at times whether it is personally or professionally.  I want to give a shout out to Tara over at 4th Grade Frolics for giving me that boost I needed and creating the 1 for ME linky.

For 2014 I hope to remember my inner Princess Warrior outside of my classroom.  In my classroom I feel confident, competent and a host of other words that as I think them make me feel like I am blowing my own horn a bit too loudly. Reflecting over this past year I look with pride on my professional life-I've accomplished a lot, my students have grown, and I know I am respected by my peers.  Outside of the classroom I lose some of that.  Don't get me wrong, my home is well cared for, my kids are happy and healthy but there is very little ME outside of school or family.  Since my divorce 3 years ago, I live for school and for my kids.  It is time to put me out there again...not me the teacher or me the mom but me the person.  I want to try to do at least one thing each month for me that is not connected to school or my kids, maybe try a new hobby, take a class unrelated to teaching, get creative, who knows what.  Here's to making 2014 a little more ME friendly.

That leads me to my resolutions for this year. I've linked up with A Peach for the Teach for the 2014 Resolutions and Diane over at Fifth in the Middle for my blogging resolutions. If you want to share your goals for the new year jump on in.   I think my resolutions are pretty clear, so I won't take the time to go in-depth with them (this post will be a book if I don't sign off soon :)

Wishing all of you a Happy New Year and many blessing to come in 2014!


  1. I like the one about making five comments. That seems totally doable. In fact, I'll check one off right now! ;)

  2. I love the inner Princess Warrior goal:) That's great. You really made me think....I feel like that in the classroom too and then walk out the door and .....gone:/ That's some great food for thought:) Thanks for linking up and glad I could help to boost your day a little:) Happy New Year:)

    4th Grade Frolics
